Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I am now on a farm in o town called Cornwall. It's really cool here, the farm and the town. There's lots of animals like ducks, pig's, goat's e.t.c. And there is two reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallly BIG PIG'S. one is named Betty and one is named Corneluis. there huge... Like I'm not joking...... like insanely big....and fat. Anyways its really fun here and good food too. But I miss you all and I cant wait to see you guys. Bye!!


  1. I am so excited for you. I can't wait to see pictures of the pigs.
    Write often as I will be reading Pardonski's blog every day.....
    Love Uncle viv

  2. Hey Alex sounds like you're having a blast! Can't wait to see your pictures and hear about your experience's. I'm really excited for you. I think it's neat to hear most of the people around you talk with an accent, but truth be known, over there you're the one with the accent. Love and Miss You so much Grandson! Laters

  3. Loved the pictures of the pigs...I saw the goslings and I know how sad that must have been. It was nice that you were there to comfort them. Jerry was raised on a farm and he said things like that were just a fact of life though hard to deal with. When his sister was little she had a pet pig and one day it had to be killed for food, she cried for days...They use to have to kill the chickens and put them in hot water to clean the feathers...I don't think I could do those things...I like to live in my fantasy world and just think meat comes from the grocery store....Give Corney a hug for me..I would have said kiss but that might be a bit too much even for a farm boy like yourself.
    Write soon..Love Uncle Viv

  4. hi guys! how are you doing? is woofing more hard or fun. i just got the x box last night and its the new one were you dont need any controlers you just move and it senses your movements. ive been missing you guys very much and i cant wait until we go to europe. bye - Jacob Fine thru Mom's e-mail account

  5. Hello Pardonski, don't think we have forgotten about your blog.
    I check every day to see we what you have written...Don't think you can slack off...Write Pardonski Write
